Each week I post a selection of musical events taking place in New York city (including my own). Please double check all info with venues and artists.

Soul in the Horn

South St. Seaport 89 South Street, New York, NY, United States

Natasha Diggs / Nina Sol / L3NI/ Dprosper / Ezel / Rich Nice / Chris Rob / Candice Hoyes / Leen / Daniel Winshall Band

Cuarteto Guataca

Guevara's 39 Clifton Place, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Magic City

Elsewhere 599 Johnson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Jubilee, Nigelthreetimes, Uproot Andy, Zuzuka Poderosa, Cosmo


Zemog Trio

Barbes 376 Ninth Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Contort Yourself

Anything 453 Rogers Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Mickey Perez and Emilly Bessa

Chicha En Poto

Wild Birds 951 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Milagro Verde / Sonido Chichadelico

Empanology Uncaged: Bomba Night

The Bronx Brewery 856 E. 136th St., Bronx, NY, United States

Live Music by Wilson and the Bombayo Crew DJ Bembona

DJ Tahleim

Ode to Babel 772 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Cuarteto Guataca

Cuba Restaurant and Rum Bar 222 Thompson Street, New York, NY, United States