Each week I post a selection of musical events taking place in New York city (including my own). Please double check all info with venues and artists.

Walk Talk

Pony Boy 632 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Cuarteto Guataca

Sahadi's Industry City 34 35th St., Brooklyn, NY, United States

Radio Jarocho

La Cumbanchita Bushwick 24 Irving Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

DJ Selam

Anything 453 Rogers Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Soul in the Horn Block Party

Head Sounds 88 S. Portland Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Natasha Diggs, DProsper, Head Sounds Soundsystem and Live music by Casey Benjamin and Sound Frontier

Natty Fest

Natty Garden 636 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Live Music, including Anant Pradhan and Larry McDonald at 10pm

Home and Abroad: DJ Nenim and Christian

856 Atlantic Avenue 856 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

feat. DJ Ouaga and The Jamsbond Purchase tix in advance


Cuarteto Guataca

The Django 2 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, United States

Baila! Block Party

La Superior 295 Berry Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Mickey Perez, Toribio, Felipe from BK + Special Guest