Each week I post a selection of musical events taking place in New York city (including my own). Please double check all info with venues and artists.

Disco Tehran

99 Scott 99 Scott Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Bands: Combo Chimbita / Innov Gnawa DJs: Nickodemus / Mirza / Kouk / Babagamoosh Iranian dinner by Bonshan Kitchen

$40 – $50


Barbes 376 Ninth Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Cuarteto Guataca

Swing 46 349 W. 46th Street, New York, NY, United States

Cuarteto Guataca

Wild Birds 951 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Tambor Tuesday

DROM 85 Avenue A, New York, NY, United States

People of Earth / Kikiriki Bkiquey / Mambembe NY


BierWax 556 Vanderbilt, Brooklyn, NY, United States

ska, rocksteady, r&b on vinyl